Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Uni preparations

Now that I'm feeling much better, I'm returning to uni. This year I'll have to write a thesis for my masters course. Scary stuff. At times I still wonder if I can do it, but I've done a few things to prepare myself.

First, I enrolled for a three-quarter load. I'll only be doing three subjects this semester. That should give me a bit of room.

Second, I've found a bus route that'll take me to uni. In the past, I've just walked to uni, but I think I have to be realistic. Uni is taxing and I don't want to overestimate my fitness. Either way, I've been trying to get used to walking more, just in case.

I can't prepare for everything, though. The reading materials haven't been printed (so everyone will be behind with reading already), and I found out this afternoon that I should go into uni to sign up for classes tomorrow morning.

I busted my boiler today thinking I'd have tomorrow to rest it off! Oh well, c'est la vie!

Thursday, 19 February 2009

Cruising with CFS

My boyfriend finished uni recently and wanted to go travelling badly. And, he wanted me to come.

When the time came to book flights, I was getting better, but not fit enough for backpacking. So, we booked a cruise, which we went on in January.

For anyone with limited mobility, it's the best way to travel, I reckon. The service goes above and beyond, and every single person is looked after so well. You can even list yourself as a person with mobility limits. (And no, you don't need to provide medical evidence, or anything like that.)

I guess what I'm trying to say is, if you want to go on a holiday but can't handle the flights, look for a cruise leaving from your city. You won't regret it, and you might even have an excellent time. I certainly did.

It's good value for money too. Think about it, your money pays for food, accommodation and travel. I highly recommend it if you have CFS and you're looking for a way to go on holiday without busting your boiler.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Yay for me!

I think it's about time I report the good news. I'm feeling so much better these days. I've been hesitant to talk about it too much because I don't want to jump the gun here; I think I still have a few months worth of recovery to go. But I really feel like I'm well on my way.

I know a lot of CFS/ME/Fibromyalgia patients get angry when they hear the word "recovery" too since it seems so unattainable, which is another reason I've been hesitant to tell you the news.

And a lot of people have been skeptical about my treatment plan. But look at it this way: I've gotten my mobility back, my independence back (I got a driving license amidst all this too) and all my symptoms are waning. As far as I'm concerned, the treatment plan is making me feel a million times better than I did a few months ago, and that's enough of a reason for me to stick with it.

Friday, 13 February 2009


This is a quick off-topic post about the recent bushfires in Victoria. In Australia there are bushfires every year, but this year the fires were worse than usual. A combination of the drought, temperature (last Saturday it was 47 degrees celsius in some parts of the state) and wind made the fires bigger and faster.

Right now 7000 people are homeless and over 1000 homes have been completely destroyed. Last I heard the death toll was at 181 and expected to climb.

I know economically times are tough, but if you can part with just a little cash to help someone rebuild their lives, no donation is too small:

Sam the Koala photo

Monday, 2 February 2009

Less is more

I'm finally at the end of a very busy week (by my current standards, anyway). I rescheduled today's nurse appointment, and I'm really glad I did. I really needed today off.

I've come to realise when it comes to "doing stuff" (for lack of better words), less is more. This weekend I enjoyed my friend's birthday party a lot, and I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much if I knew I had to save some reserves for driving myself to a nurse appointment today.

In the recent past, I've struggled to find a good reason to keep my activities in check, other than that I just can't handle it. Knowing I'll have a better time at fewer activities will make it easier to keep my activities at a manageable amount.

After all, what's the point of going to any social events if I'm going to be a worried sour-puss the whole time? It'll be a better use of my time if my thoughts aren't fixated on having enough energy for the next event.