Sunday, 22 March 2009


Something my doctor mentioned during my last visit is that my insulin is "up".

My first thought was what does that mean? Aparently insulin is "up" in people with type 2 diabetes. It can be treated with exercise and diet alone. So, my second thought was how is that possible, given I'm on what's probably the healthiest diet in the world - and sticking to it?

The answer is I've been slacking off with one part of my treatment plan: exercise, exercise, exercise. Easier said than done, for a person with CFS.

I've been going about it all wrong. I tend to do strenuous exercise (like horse riding, going on long walks, etc) infrequently; when in actual fact, I should be doing less strenuous exercise more reguarly.

My doctor recommended doing exercise at home, so I don't waste energy getting to a gym. He said an exercise bike is ideal. I don't have one, so I'll have to make do with the next best thing: a skipping rope. My doctor said 15 minutes a day should be all it takes to keep my insulin in check. That, and sticking to the diet, of course.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, thanks for sharing your journey and thoughts. It's very helpful and hopeful :) I am to suffering with this and want to start healing. Can you give me the name of your good doctor? my email is

All the best, Mawhena