Friday, 23 May 2008

I wish one day would go by when I didn't have a panic attack or anxiety problem.

Because I've been so put off by people, all my social interactions happen online in various forums. I joined a cat forum (surprise), CFS forum (double surprise!) and a pet forum that includes dogs and horses.

I didn't ever think someone would get offended by something I said. Here's what happened: somebody on the cat forum bought some toy cats and cushion covers from me, and she posted a photo of them. Someone wrote back and asked if they were easy to make, because she wanted to make one. I said I'd actually be a bit upset if someone copied my work. And she got all annoyed and said "Now I'm annoyed and embarrassed. Thanks a lot!" What did she expect me to say? "Yes, here's the pattern and instruction sheet"? The toys are something I'm so proud of, because it's become a small business despite...

OK, have to end the post here because I'm having another panic attack.

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