Friday, 30 May 2008

There was a young cowboy, he lives on the range...

A's gone to the farm for the weekend. I'm doing a good job at keeping myself busy. I made a plush cat, read an article in Africa Geographic, and played a little bit on the guitar.

The flaw in guitar playing for people with chronic fatigue syndrome is that you have to press on the strings so hard. My left index finger is throbbing now, and I suspect it'll be sore for a few days. Geez, I just can't catch a break! Every tiny thing I do has such annoying consequences!

Even with the throbbing finger, playing the guitar was worth it. I'm no good at all, and since I moved here I haven't been able to play any instruments. But some of you might know that I used to have lessons for playing the drums and viola, and I've played the piano since I was six. So I've missed not being able to play a tune every now and again.

Today I attempted playing Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley, and Sweet Baby James by James Taylor on the guitar... "attempted" being the keyword here!

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