Saturday, 2 August 2008

Laser acupuncture and allergies?

I had a laser acupuncture session the other day. I felt a bit more relaxed afterwards, so I think it helped.

The nurse tried to explain how acupuncture works, although I must say I still don't understand it fully. She said that from my symptoms, Dr S knows that there are blockages in my acupuncture meridians (lines the run up and down the body), and that by stimulating certain points on the body (with needles, or in this case, lasers) the blockages can be unblocked.

Laser acupuncture isn't meant to hurt. It hurt on my legs, but I think that's only because my legs are quite sensitive because of my condition. It didn't hurt at all on my arms.

Also, I've had an allergic reaction to something in the last few days. I don't think it has anything to do with the laser acupuncture though, because the allergic reaction began before my laser acupuncture session. I'm trying to think of what I might be allergic to, but I can't think of anything. I don't think I've changed my routine in any way, lately.

But I've felt really unwell (more so than usual) these past two days, and I spent most of yesterday and today in bed. I've been itching all over, mainly at night. There are no signs of rashes though. A few times, I've seen bumps on my skin that look a bit like mosquito bites, but they disappear by the morning, usually. I thought I'd just imagined the bites, but A saw one of them, so they can't be imaginary. Also, I feel a bit fluey, and I have a stuffy nose, and itchy eyes. And I threw up earlier today.

I'm quite glad that my next appointment with Dr S is on Monday. I hope he has some ideas about what's happening.

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