Tuesday 2 September 2008

My fourth appointment with Dr S

I'm doing well.

I caught a cold or virus or something this week, so that's been a slight setback, but I think it's going away.

I've started the next phase of my treatment plan, which is treatment for parasites. I'm taking anti-candida medication as well still.

The clinic is closed for the month of September (they warned us a while ago that it would be closed), so my treatments and appointments will resume in October. I've been booked in for another MORA treatment, and three lympathic drainage therapies, and another appointment with the doctor in mid-October.

All in all, apart from the virus, it's still going well and I am improving, so that's good.

Apparently I'm one of the clinic's sicker patients; I never knew how "bad" I was until lately - even with so much improvement, there's still some way to go. But at least I'm moving along.


Anonymous said...

Would you explain what you're parasite treatment involves?

CFS Uncensored said...

Anti-parasitic pills - it's one part of the entire treatment program. I'm not sure that treating one thing alone and at one time would be effective. Although it is hard your body, I think attacking most things in one go helped immensely. It's a plan your doctor needs to formulate, though. I think finding the right doctor was my key to success.